Taxidermy is the methodology of taking off the outer skin of animals, either hunted via trophy hunting etc or dead, and-creating a similar looking fake model of the animal with it’s real skin and exterior. A large variety of animals have been sculptured via taxidermy. Leopards, elephants, porcupines, antelopes, buffaloes, jackals, giraffes, geese, eagles, coyotes, […]
Category: Zoology
Vertebrates and InvertebratesVertebrates and Invertebrates
Animals are classified into 2 large groups, vertebrates and invertebrates. Invertebrates do not have a backbone and vertebrates have an internal skeleton. Further on, these 2 large groups are divided into phylums. More than 95 % of all animals are invertebrates.
History of LifeHistory of Life
Here are some resources where you can deep delve into the history of life. These narratives are interchangeably and intricately connected with “history of animals”, “natural history” and more such foundational narratives. Smithsonian:,were%20among%20the%20earliest%20animals. From Oxford University: Britannica:
The 6 KingdomsThe 6 Kingdoms
The 6 Kingdoms define how living organisms are classified or organized for research and academic reasons. Earlier on, there were only 2 kingdoms, plants and animals. However as discoveries continued, it became imperitive to have more kingdoms to classify living organisms. Currently we classify living organisms into plants, animals, protists, fungi, archaebacteria and eubacteria.
Classifying animalsClassifying animals
A Swedish scientist, Carolus Linnaeus (1707 to 1778 AD) developed a system of classifying animals and plants. Since the types of animals are very varied, a system like this was very helpful and it is used till today. Here is a very interesting and friendly video to understand animal classification.